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Why Mobo? Mobo cruisers are low to the ground and equipped with three wheels for easy balance and can accommodate your growing toddlers with its adjustable frame. The rear wheel steering is great for the little ones' hand-eye coordination.


Low to the ground design is safe and helps little ones with balance


Adjustable frame to outlast your evergrowing toddler


Rear wheel steering helps to improve hand-eye coordination

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Mobo Mity Mobo Mity
Our Price: $99.99
MoboMitySport Mobo Mity Sport
Our Price: $129.99
Mobo Mega Mini Mobo Mega Mini
Our Price: $299.00

Toddler Balance Bikes & 3-Wheel Trikes

Looking for a safe and fun way to get your toddler moving? Mobo toddler trikes are the best toddler tricycles on the market! Whether you’re looking for a stationary Mobo rocking trike for your toddler or a safe way to get him or her moving, we’ve got a wide variety of bikes and trikes for your toddler!

Specifically designed to be safe and fun for toddlers, our toddler three-wheel tricycles and balance bikes are equipped with an adjustable frame so that you can adjust it as they grow! The perfect way to get active with your little ones, these toddler big-wheel trikes are sure to become your new family tradition.

MoboCruisers are the Best Tricycles for Toddlers

As you consider getting a riding trike for your toddler, you will need to take several considerations into account. Your first priority should be safety.

Toddlers are still in the “learning” phase of bike riding, still getting the hang of getting around in their own bodies, which can make the idea of putting them on a big wheel a little daunting.

This is why tricycles are the ideal place to start for toddlers who want to ride bikes. With three wheels, toddlers have better support balancing, are less likely to fall, less likely to risk injury, and have more time to build up their bike-riding confidence.

Parents care about safety, but kids tend to care more about fun. Your toddler wants a tricycle that looks the part. Fortunately, with MoboCruiser tricycles for toddlers, you’re sure to have a hit at home.